The Center arranged a speaker series for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, based in Wilmington. Speakers were drawn largely from current UD graduate students, from English, History, Art History, Art Conservation, Preservation Studies, and the Winterthur Program, who spoke on a wide range of topics that touched on their own research interests. Seventy people registered for the series, comprised largely of senior citizens from the greater Wilmington area, with attendance nearly always topping sixty. The series is not only a key element of the Center’s efforts to reach a non-academic audience, it also offers graduate students an opportunity to develop their skills at public speaking. To that end, speakers are given detailed feedback by the series organizers following their talks. Stuart Siegell, long-time organizer wrote: “Key to us was the consistently high quality of the presentations – it was probably the best group of presentations of the 7 years of the offering.”