We had so much fun at the Thing Tank Workshop last week! The weaving workshop was led by Dr. Kelly Cobb, an associate professor in the fashion department, and was focused on different types of weaving patterns. The Thing Tank Fellows utilized unique and vibrant designs to weave on small cardboard looms.
Thanks to everyone who came out to weave with us! See photos below of the terrific event:

Professor Kelly Cobb and the Thing Tank Fellows make rag projects to show the hands-on approach of the event for the Center for Materials Culture. Besides Kelly, Aradhya Sodhi (navy vest, long hair), Prof. Geoffrey Bil, History, Prof. Ben Stanley, English (brown glasses, short hair), Prof. Jennifer Van Horn, Art History (long blond hair, gray sweater, Bradie Crandall, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (royal blue sweater, black vest), Cecelia Eure, WPAMC (beige top), Mikayla Harden, History (black top, purple glasses, Rebecca Lo Presti, WPAMC (green teal shirt dress), Mónica Domínguez Torres, Art History (black & white striped top) and Carla Guerron-Montero, Anthropology (red hair).